If you’ve been feeling off-balance lately when it comes to your acting career, you may have some chakras out of balance.
Here is a list of some acting-related exercises you can do to help you unblock those chakras, and get back into balance ready for that next class, audition, performance, or opportunity.
Note: We do not claim to be chakra-experts or the Eckhart Tolles of the acting industry. For detailed information on chakras, we encourage you to Google.
Day 1 – The Root Chakra AKA The I Am Supported Chakra
Where is it: The base of your spine, your tailbone..
Acting-related exercises to balance it:
- Learn your lines as you walk barefoot in nature
- Make ‘Abundance Abounds’ post-its and put them up around your house
- Get a pedicure before an audition
- Dance at your wrap party
- Take a yoga class along with your weekly acting class
- Visualise the colour red (e.g. red carpet, ‘out damned spot’ etc)
Day 2 – The Sacral Chakra AKA The I Am Emotionally Open Chakra
Where is it: Five centimetres below your navel.
Acting-related exercises to balance it:
- Go for a swim to destress after a day on set.
- Buy an ‘Ideas Notepad’ and make a daily list of interesting and quirky characters you see.
- Make a ‘Songs That Inspire Me’ playlist
- Visualise the colour orange (e.g. being an actor on Orange is the New Black, eating oranges before an audition for energy)
- Film a new showreel scene that is edgy and fresh
Day 3 – The Solar Plexus Chakra AKA The I Am Focussed Chakra
Where is it: Seven centimetres above your navel.
Acting-related exercises to balance it:
- Buy a bunch of yellow sunflowers and put them in your dressing room
- Write down a list of roles you were ‘rejected’ from and then release the past by burning the paper
- Drink a cup of chamomile tea while you’re reading a book on acting
- Take an improv class to help sharpen your mind
- Organise those new headshots that you’ve been putting off
Day 4 – The Heart Chakra AKA The I Am Forgiving Chakra
Where is it: At the heart.
Acting-related exercises to balance it:
- Buy a jade crystal and carry it around with you in your bag.
- When doing a pre-show breathing warm-up, imagine breathing in and around your heart.
- Choose characters to play that are in love, wanting love, accepting love, choosing love.
- Do pec-related stretches at the gym.
- Send an email to your agent/teacher/co-star telling them how much you appreciate them.
Day 5 – The Throat Chakra AKA The I Am Thruthful Chakra
Where is it: At the throat.
Acting-related exercises to balance it:
- Take a singing lesson.
- Carry around a bottle of water with you at all times.
- Visualise the colour blue.
- Have an honest conversation with your director/agent about the issue that’s troubling you.
- Write down all the things you’re too afraid to say and then release it.
Day 6 – The Third Eye Chakra AKA The I Am Trusting Chakra
Where is it: Middle of the eyebrows, centre of forehead.
Acting-related exercises to balance it:
- Eat naturally dark-purple/navy foods during rehearsals like blueberries, eggplant and plums.
- Book yourself in for a reiki healing session.
- Get off social media and visit your church, your temple, your mosque, your garden to remind yourself of why you’re here.
- Recall why you got into acting in the first place and make post-it notes affirming that you’re on your right path.
Day 7 – The Crown Chakra AKA The I Am Bigger Than Myself Chakra
Where is it: At the top of the head
Acting-related exercises to balance it:
- Put a clear quartz crystal under your pillow at night.
- Before your acting class, do a meditation imagining a crown of shining light above your head.
- Buy a box of ginger tea and leave in your dressing room.
- Do the Meisner repetition exercise before a scene to really connect with your partner.
- Go to a theatre show that is about hope and community.
And just like that, you’re balanced and ready to nail that next opportunity!